I'll be damned if I wear a Vancouver Canucks jersey. Or Calgary Flames for that matter. Nor will I allow either of those teams' fans to wear mine. This could get ugly. Like Marty McSorley/Donald Brashear ugly.
How bout a Tie Domi? Then again we could throw you in a Derek Boogard jersey and just pull it up over your head? LOL like the 1997 ugly of Forsberg vs Larionov that led to the bench clearing brawl including the goalies Patrick Roy and Mike Vernon.... that was and awesome watch the night that my wife was delivering our first daughter
So here's a question for all of you that are taking their vacation during one of the 2 holidays we have in the month of March. Do you want to do a VERY special theme for either of the days, being St. patty's day and Easter? TTR site says on the 31st they have a easter bunny contest. I don't know what all that entails, but I am open to suggestions for either. St. Patty's day could be somethnig as simple as dress in all green or we could schedule something more outlandish. It's your call.... we won't be there for it.
hey all I have the new poll posted easy way to get more input, I added a other category at the bottom and we can use likes as a vote for suggestions posted there
Thanks for doing that up guys! Hey all, here is the link for the Poll. http://http://www.cancuncare.com/fo...official-march-theme-poll-vote-vote-vote.html please go and vote on your favorite themes for what you wou;ld like to see happen. I will take the top votes and pu them in place for each week. If you are there on a certain week and would like to see something different, just speak up and we will work with it. Especially all of you first weekers or first timers... join in! We could use the input as your stays come first!
March 1 - 11 Thanks for creating this page! I'm trying to tell my friends that I'm bringing with me what goes on and now I can show them! LOL
Themes Since we are there for the first two weeks of March packing becomes an issue with weight restrictions, so the less clothes the better, now that sounds weird,,,, very sexy and provocative dresses to make our women shine during theme nights is awesome, we will be doing the majority of the themes and like most of what was put out there. And I agree with the cut off posted date of February 10, gives us a little time to fine tune some stuff.
Re:Red Dress Night Just wondering, when we were there in November TTR had white night on Friday and Red Dress Night Saturday, this has not been mentioned on any of the threads for March, is this something that has been dropped?