start date usually around 25th depends on flights... and yes we do have a high participation in theme nights xx
Chaos Crew is very quiet..........What's up with that? C'mon now Nov is 22 (day we are planning on getting there) is only 319 days away! LOL
Yes, we are Crewe members and somewhat quiet, but we are still recovering form our 10 day trip. It was the greatest! What a wonderful time we had with the Crewe members we had partied with before, but it was just as great to get better aquainted with some we hadn't spent much time with on our previous trips. And mom,(Sue) you were just as amazing as ever. (Even though you are young enough to be our daughter) We are waiting for our Dec flights to get posted so we can make our reservations for another great trip. Love you all. Larry and Kathy
Hey Christa...welcome back! You know just the other day Trish was saying that she missed her chair dancing parnter... Well, flights opened up yesterday so now it is official. We'll be back Nov. 29th thru Dec. 8th. All we have left to do is find a way to kill 10 and a half months. :banghead: ...and we all miss you too Sue!
Just realized that Thanksgiving in the U.S. is very late this year so it'll be a week later than we expected. That gives us that much more time with the crew being there first week of Dec. Woo Hoo.....
Hey Chaos Crew peeps.....Mario and I miss you all. We hope you all had a great Christmas and New Years,....We did. We just couldn't wait 12 months before going again and we're booked for April, checking out the April Addicts we've heard so much about. Big celebration of my big b-day. I invite any and all of the crew to come celebrate with me. Cheers :aktion030:
Who is everyone looking through? The sites I check out still won't have my airfair times for another week or so.