"OFFICIAL" March Theme Nights!!!!

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by sweetchildomine, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. sweetchildomine

    sweetchildomine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    ---ATTENTION EVERYONE!!!--- THEMES ARE CONSIDERED FINAL NOW(with exception to a possible slight change due to the formal dates of the boobs cruises) (If you are having trouble thinking of how to work a theme, look below the calendar for the definition of what it is to get an IDEA of how to put your own spin on it. The theme is a guideline.... not a standard! have fun with it in any way you like!!!)
    This is YOUR thread!! You voted, expressed concerns and hopefully I listened well enough?! Below you will find the themes for each night. Talk with people via email, public message, or better yet create the chatter on this thread and find people in your dates to make the themes everything you want them to be!! (below is the link for the March Roll Call)


    I will keep this as being the ONLY!! copy of the "official" themes. I won't post it on continuing pages. It will only be edited here on the first page and the first thread for the purpose of getting people all on the same page and making it easy to find.

    Theme ideas for CCC are permanent if put in RED. For any newbies/first timers, you do NOT have to participate in any themes if you do not want to or feel uncomfortable. The idea is to have fun and have a chance to be sexy like you cant at home. TTR= what the resort has scheduled for their evening themes and the CCC= are the themes decided by you & your peers on Cancuncare.com.

    Week 1:(All of the Feb. dates are taken from the Feb. thread and can't be changed in here!!!)Sunday Feb. 24th: Men’s White Dress Shirt & Heels Night/Anything Goes
    Monday Feb. 25th: Boobs Cruise :flash:
    Tuesday Feb. 26th: Naughty School Girl/ Kilt Night
    Wednesday Feb. 27th:
    Thursday Feb. 28th: Lingerie Night

    FRI 01 - CCC: white/glow night / TTR - BACCHANAL WHITE PARTY-Romans toga Night
    SAT 02- CCC: sparkle/glitter / TTR- DAZZLING TEMPTATION SHOW & POOL PARTY & bead night

    Week 2:
    SUN 03- CCC: 4 dove(aka dress shirt night... see below) / TTR - ANYTHING GOES, Interactive games
    MON 04 – CCC: sexy lil dress night / TTR - coco-bongo's...BALI-HAI NIGHT=special dinner buffet right outside
    TUE 05- CCC: Mardi Gras/ TTR- KARAOKE NIGHT@ Nice Shoes & LIVE BAND
    WED 06 - CONFIRMED Boobs Cruise!!!!(7 spots left)-CCC: schoolgirl/schoolboy night(kilt) / TTR - REVELATION SHOW- most seductive atmosphere of El Embarcadero restaurant, discover your greatest fetish
    THU 07 CCC: lingerie/PJ Party(come to the sports lounge after nice shoes) TTR - Casino/lingerie
    FRI 08 - CCC: white/glow night / TTR - BACCHANAL WHITE PARTY-Romans toga Night
    SAT 09- CCC: sparkle/glitter / TTR - DAZZLING TEMPTATION SHOW & POOL PARTY & bead night

    WEEK 3:
    SUN 10- CCC: 4 dove(aka dress shirt night... see below) / TTR - ANYTHING GOES, Interactive games
    MON 11- CCC: sexy lil dress night / TTR - coco-bongo's -BALI-HAI NIGHT=special dinner buffet right outside El Embarcadero @ the Temptastic Pool
    TUE 12- CONFIRMED Boobs Cruise!!!!!(3 spots left) -CCC: Mardi Gras / TTR - KARAOKE NIGHT@ Nice Shoes & LIVE BAND
    WED 13 -CCC: schoolgirl/schoolboy night(kilt) / TTR - REVELATION SHOW - most seductive atmosphere of El Embarcadero restaurant, discover your greatest fetish
    THU 14 - CCC: lingerie/PJ Party(come to the sports lounge after nice shoes) TTR - Casino/lingerie
    FRI 15 - CCC: white/glow night / TTR - BACCHANAL WHITE PARTY-Romans toga Night
    SAT 16 - CCC: home team / TTR - DAZZLING Temptation SHOW & POOL party

    WEEK 4:
    SUN 17 - CONFIRMED BOOBS CRUISE!!!!! (26 spots left) CCC: GREEN NIGHT:wear something sexy and green / TTR - ANYTHING GOES - Interactive games along with heart stopping dance routines
    MON 18 - CCC: sexy lil dress night / TTR - coco-bongo's......BALI-HAI NIGHT=special dinner buffet right outside El Embarcadero @ the Temptastic Pool
    TUE 19 - CCC: Mardi Gras / TTR - KARAOKE NIGHT@ Nice Shoes & LIVE BAND
    WED 20 -CCC: schoolgirl/schoolboy night(kilt) / TTR - REVELATION SHOW -most seductive atmosphere of El Embarcadero restaurant, discover your greatest fetish
    THU 21 - CCC: lingerie/PJ Party(come to the sports lounge after nice shoes) TTR - Casino/Lingerie
    FRI 22- CONFIRMED BOOBS CRUISE!!!!! (21 spots left) CCC: white/glow night / TTR - BACCHANAL WHITE PARTY-Romans toga Night
    SAT 23 - CCC: home team / TTR - DAZZLING Temptation SHOW & POOL PARTY

    Week 5:
    SUN 24- CCC: 4 dove(aka dress shirt night... see below) / TTR - ANYTHING GOES, Interactive games along with heart stopping dance routines
    MON 25 - CCC: Mardi Gras / TTR - coco-bongo's..BALI-HAI NIGHT=special dinner buffet right outside
    TUE 26 - CCC: schoolgirl/schoolboy night(kilt) / TTR - KARAOKE NIGHT @ Nice Shoes
    WED 27 - CONFIRMED BOOBS CRUISE!!!!! (13 spots left), CCC: sexy lil dress / TTR - REVELATION SHOW-most seductive atmosphere of El Embarcadero restaurant, discover your greatest fetish
    THU 28 - CCC: lingerie&/PJ Party(come to the sports lounge after nice shoes) TTR - Casino/Lingerie
    FRI 29 -- CCC:white/glow night / TTR - BACCHANAL WHITE PARTY-Romans toga Night
    SAT 30- CCC: sexy little dress / TTR - DAZZLING Temptation SHOW & POOL PARTY
    SUN 31 - CCC: sheer/see-through / TTR - ANYTHING GOES
    Monday 1st ---------- Ladies White Shirt Night - Coco Bongo
    Tuesday 2nd -------- 911/Rescuers Theme
    Wednesday 3rd ---- Schoolgirl/Kilt Night (boobs cruise!!)
    Thursday 4th -------- Lingerie Night
    Friday 5th ------------ White Night + Glow Night

    1. Lingerie/pajama party- When they close up Nice Shoes, head to the sports bar in our lingerie, set up teams, and play truth or dare, do the photo scavenger hunt...I dunno, pillow fight?
    2. Mardi Gras night- stunts/body shots for beads, body paint, and masks (you can order them really cheap online--even in bulk.) http://www.mardigrasspot.com/party-s...FcU-MgodaS4AiA
    3.Home team night- everyone comes in a t-shirt or jersey representing their "team". Everyone leaves in a shirt someone else started in. If we let people keep the jerseys they leave in, it would be a unique souvenir?
    4. TTR white night- held on Friday nights as just come in anything white and have a good time
    5. 4 Dove night-Ladies: Wear mens dress shirt&heels(make it as sexy as you dare but one button done rule will be enforced! LOL) or wear something that is white and sheer, it's your choice. Men: wear your boxers, a plain white tshirt and a colored sharpie on a necklace to have people do "tricks" to get to sign your shirt! Everyone: bring/wear your glow gear and/or body paints!
    6. Sexy little dress night- Ladies dress in your small and tight little dress, something you could never wear at home. This is an easy break from the craziness of "themes" and just lets it be more of a normal night but make people feel like they are joining in the "themes".
    7. Sparkle/glitter night- wear anything that sparkles or glitters.
    8. Sheer/see thru- wear anything that has some part of the outfit that is either sheer or see thru.
    9. Schoolgirl/schoolboy- ladies wear your naughtiest schoolgirl outfit, gentlemen.. wear something to compliment those lovely ladies(kilts,school boy, principle... use your imagination!!)
    10. Other- if there is a theme on a night that is not listed here(i.e. for holidays or other suggested themes) it is at your own
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2013
  2. Sizzlinmomma

    Sizzlinmomma Enthusiast Registered Member

    Sep 30, 2012
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    I thought there was a tread with a schedule of the theme nights with all the CCC themes included already or is that no longer a go?
  3. sweetchildomine

    sweetchildomine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    new thread

    Yeah there is... that one was getting so many changes and kind of convoluted from what people wanted at certain times. Also it was set up as a general themes posting that FrenchieFIFI needed help with posting an "official" theme thread, but she wanted to get people talking about themes. Now that we have MUCH MORE people on the roll call we can start with the official themes.

    So the other thread is "off limits" of sorts now, and this is the thread March Madness can follow for the themes. Participate if you want but you don't have to. If you speak up you have a say in what we will put out there for the themes of the month!

    Scott :ernaehrung015:
  4. sweetchildomine

    sweetchildomine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    WEEK 5 suggestions??

    Lets keep in mind we want to keep luggage weight down and not have to go and spend a ton O' cash on something your gonna wear once.

    Here are some ideas given by someone that I thought I would pass along to get things started.

    We had a couple ideas we thought would be fun:
    Mardi Gras, where you wear masks, reward stunts with beads, and conduct body painting at Paty'Os

    A photo scavenger hunt where you could get people in teams and have them compete to get photos of themselves doing particular things at the resort (skinnydipping, tipping a bartender, with someone who has a tattoo on their butt...) Obviously, we'd have to give a prize!

    Ladies'/Men's choice: one night the women have to wear whatever their guy chooses for them, and the next night the women get to take revenge

    Home team exchange: every couple arrives in Paty'Os in their home team's jerseys, but exchanges with someone from another town

    It would be fun to add some aspect of competition, like prizes for the best couple each night, but then who judges, supplies prizes, etc?
  5. Wild Willy

    Wild Willy Enthusiast Registered Member

    Dec 16, 2011
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    We would like to see mens shirt and heels night on the 10th.
  6. Dowelly

    Dowelly Enthusiast Registered Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Is there no kilt night in march now?
  7. sweetchildomine

    sweetchildomine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    I love dress shirt and heels! How many others are coming arund your time that we can rally for it on the 10th?

    Most of the time the guys wear the kilts when it is school girl night, but in some cases they don't sometime it is just tshirts that would get you detention. That is the only reason I didn't put it on there. If you would like it on there for a certain date talk with some others and get the movement started I will gladly add it if there is more that are for it. I know I am! I will either be wearing my micro kilt or a very special one given to me over the holidays! You'll have ot wait and see! LOL
  8. R&JSki

    R&JSki Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    :flash:I think a Mardi Gras night would be great, maybe the 24th? I feel like the boobs-for-beads thing might spread to non-CCC guests.:flash:
  9. sweetchildomine

    sweetchildomine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    I think a few people have expressed interest in a Mardi Gras theme. Light mask, boobs-for-beads, special acts get beads... the possiblities are endless
  10. ValandDean

    ValandDean Enthusiast Registered Member

    Aug 26, 2012
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    Men's shirt & heel night 10th

    The 10th would be ok with us, this. Is our first time, but we want to take part in as many themes as we can
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