Expedia, of all places. Check nearby airports too- we usually fly out of Charlotte but it's actually cheaper to fly out of our home base this time around.
Another member of last years Auglusters will be joining the Nakify July. We are officially booked for July 21st - 28th. We can't wait to see Mavfan and all the rest of the new bunch :lotsofmichaelfs: This will be our 4th trip and hopefully more fun than last year (seems to get better every year).
Expedia has the best ocean view package, but we can save another $250ish if we book separately through Travel republic and United airlines and give up ocean view. We'd get about $75 in rewards booking through expedia. So, in theory we could save net $175 by giving up ocean view. Hmmm. I need to stop teetertottering and just book one or the other.