Well we've had a change of plans and won't be at TTR in May after all. I know you guys will party it up and have a great time anyway....maybe we'll catch you next year! Merry Christmas everyone!!
Mayor Jamie, add us for May 23-30. Still tentative. We are planning to bring some newbies -- a male/female couple and three single ladies. All hetero, you'll be pleased to know Does this mean we get a commission to put toward our big gay costumes??
No commission cause you're coming SoOOOOO late in the month! I mean I'll get to see you for 2 days before I leave but most, if not all, the rest of the crew will be already gone. You'll just have to start a whole new following! Jamie
I was just informed by She Who Must Be Obeyed that we may not want to go to Mexico in April, though she wanted to get to hang out with Adam & Terri (adamnterri), because of her nonsensical job requirements. It's apparently hard work to be the H.B.I.C. We've been MAYhemers before, way back (so to speak) in 2007, our first time to then-BBG/now-TTR, for my birthday, which is in May (no, I'm not telling). Adam & Terri, you'll just hae to come with us when we go back in August or October!