I feel your pain. I really don't know if it's the assorted wingbats at the news channels finding content, the flow of information through the internet that's made us all experts on politics, or human nature to want to complain but all we hear are the same old stories, and the same old arguments. It would be a miracle if politicians said, we sat down for X hours on subject Y, and while we didn't get everything we wanted we came to a COMPROMISE that seems to work for everyone involved. But then again I am a bit of an optimist lol
Right now I'm not real optimistic that a cure for the "fiscal cliff" in the making. Both sides are dug in pretty well. What neither side seems to realize is that we have to both raise taxes and cut spending. The so called fiscal cliff is inevitable because we, as a nation, are like the family that just lives way beyond their means via their credit cards.
Twin, You really think that you have the answer and they "don't realize" it? Come on man. It's just not in their best interest because this sh*t doesn't affect them. No matter how many bad decisions they (rep and dem) make, them and their families are set. That's what happens when they get to gamble with the houses money
No, Slore, I don't really think they'll change anything. I'm trying to be optimistic, but Man, it is really hard right now. I don't see anything positive coming out of DC at all.
This is an interesting take on the election results. I'm surprised it's still available. Too bad it wasn't posted BEFORE the election, results may have been very different. http://www.youtube.com/v/F0sk4yGaEk8&hl=en_US&fs=1&
Man, I started watching some of his other videos. This sh*t is pure comedy. Thanks for sharing. I will surely pass this along to all the savages and monkeys I know.
they did a study before obamas first term....they went to harlem and swapped obamas key points with mccains key points.....guess who they STILL voted for
This is a very sad reality. Group-home staff took illiterate, disabled resident to vote | The Daily Caller
So Slore, let's change things up a bit. Let's say that election ended up differently and the new President is our own Slore and your only assignment is to improve the black community. What do you do? Obviously our current programs haven't worked. So what do we do that will work?
Wow, I won? And then I only have to worry about 13% of the population? This should be a fun 4 years. But in all seriousness, there is nothing the government can do that will improve the black community. It's a mindset that needs to change. People have to "believe" that the man is not holding them down and that opportunity exists outside of the neighborhood, borough, city, town, state they currently reside. We have to be more motivated, self-starters and understand that "a job" is better than "no job". Somewhere a sense of entitlement crept in and folks would rather do nothing, than do something. Again, the government can't change that. I'm sure there are plenty of programs that you don't think work, but do. These are programs that have probably been taken advantage of by the minority and given the majority a stigma. I have always said that welfare should be standardized across the board. There needs to be clear cut guidelines with advancement as the main purpose. Get on it, get better, get off it. There should be a time period, which can only be extended for extenuating circumstances. There should be drug tests and dependent limits. These changes would not only help, to some degree, the black community, but Hispanics and whites as well since we all know that blacks do not make up the majority on welfare. If a benefit that I worked for and paid for (GI Bill) can expire, then there's no reason why an entitlement shouldn't.