The 22nd through the 29th. Hoping to see you guys and a few others from last year, but sadly we missed out on booking the Boobs Cruise. :cry:
Awesome, look out for us once we make landfall next Saturday and get a message to Steve to get put on the waiting list in case someone cancels last minute
Copious amount of tequila or rum are my favorite way of dealing with a cold. If it doesn't cure it, at least you don't care as much! That's an affirmative to getting on the waiting list. I wouldn't want anyone to miss out, but maybe we'll just hope for a convenient attendance miscount.
Done this week! Three more work days next week, then Turkey day, and THEN TIME TO FLY. My liver is not ready either but I'll do my best.
Ok, Theme nights are covered (spiked dog collar for me on leather night), Dolla bills to make it Raaainnn, sun block for me, skimpy suits for her, and some great contacts made here ;-) Now all we need is for Monday to get here!!! Resort by noon.