Thanks for the all the great info. I'm sure I'll get my gullets full of great food from all the resturaunts one way or the other.
Heading out shopping for theme nights. Hmmm guess I have to find a nerd outfit to match my hottie's sexy school girl for November 26th Boobs Cruise night. Getting our red night, orange night white night, animal print, leather and lace......CRAP I need to buy more luggage! 8 more sleeps people!
10am you know i will keep you fed 10am every morning making reservations.. dont forget though you have to rally the troops..need room numbers.. and try to book italian for as many as you can for wednesday..around 7pm.. so sunday morning 9.30am in the queue ,,,SOCK and all. ....
26th is school girl? Damn I am now having to make sure everything comes from Amazon so we will have it by Wednesday....the preshopping costs more then the vacation!
26th it is not an official school-girl theme night its just a couple of people not on the boob cruise who leave on the 27th wanted to dress up,they suggested it in a november theme night thread..with it being after a boob cruise others may not want to bother so its just an informal anything you fancy night school/white shirt /mask night basically a bit of fun and easy to do for those who want to participate..