So it is election day in the U.S. Who wins? My 0.02 is that Romney squeezes thru with 280 electral votes. what do you think?
Anybody but Obama... I'm not a fan of romney, but I can't take another 4 years of "Hope" and "change"
I sure hope it is Romney. Living in NY though my vote doesn't really count. I think it is time to end the Electoral College and go with a popular vote. It is amazing that a handful of states determine who will run our country.
Same here in Canada we have 10 provinces and 3 Territories, 2 of the provinces pretty much dictate who will run our country.
Obama wins. Good choice US! Both candidates have their faults, but imho the lesser evil was chosen tonight. As an outsider I hope he makes your country better, I believe he will do a better job of it than Romney - for all the people not the few. I think the Rep's are done, they will never get in again unless they undergo a radical change in attitude. Alienating non white voters, women, young people, gay people, poor people and pandering to the religious right is going to be even less effective in 2016 than it was in 2012. Women will only become more assertive about their bodily rights, people who vote based on their religion will be fewer, non whites will become a larger percentage of voters, there will be more younger voters and the poor will be given a hand up instead of left to suffer. The US is changing to match the rest of the developed World, and the sooner the Reps realize that the better chance they will have next time. It's not the 60's any more.
Actually the Obama win means more of the smart Americans will now move to Mexico to avoid the mess Obama will cause here for 4 more years. At least you know the Mexican government is screwed up due to corruption, but the American government is now in a real mess with a totally incompetent supposed leader.
Like I said, your country is changing. A credible opposition that wants to be elected needs to accept such a change and formulate it's policies around them if it wants to take power. As has been shown tonight, Romney did not offer that to the majority of US citizens in their view.