As the election approaches the slew of negative ads has been just relentless. Do they really work? I see one about a local congressional candidate that is just an out and out lie, but I'm sure there are some that will fall for it. When you see an attack ad against any candidate what is your reaction? Does it make you look less favorably on the person being attacked or the one doing the attacking?
Ones supported by facts are useful. But I'm so tired of them all. Couple that with the Do Not Disturb list not applying to political phone calls, and jackasses ringing my doorbell every day to ask me to support X candidate. Can't wait until Nov. 7th
The presidential election advertising will top $2 billion. We have one local house race that will exceed $3 million. Now, by a show of hands, how many people think that we don't have government to sale to the highest bidder? Anyone??
I get sick of ALL the negative ads played. It's always easier to POINT the finger than to be held ACCOUNTABLE. It's really sad that I DREAD elections when it is ONE of my most important rights as a citizen of this GREAT Nation.
I hate all of the adds. Even the ones for candidates I support. As soon as commercials start playing, I hit the mute button because I don't want to hear them. They should not be allowed to run political adds more than 30 days before the election. Because in a couple of months, it will be back to campaigning for the mid term elections and with that brings more political adds.:bash:
Do negative political ads really work? Answer: Election 2012, yes they work. Tell enough lies often enough and people will believe them.