November 14 - 25th We will be rocking this joint for 12 glorious days and 11 evil nights Can't wait to meet y'all!
Six days and counting. I can't wait! Once this weekend is over the time will fly by (let's hope). April:icon_biggrin:
Brent and I will see you on Nov 1st. We plan to arrive at the sexy pool by 9:30am.....we land at 7:56am. LOL. Can't wait!
7-days here also!!! have to say that i'm already packed. With halloween next week the days should go by faster.(I hope) We just signed up for a private transfer from the airport so we hope to get there asap. the long waite in group transfer already had me stressed out! lets hope it's worth the extra $$$. See you all there. :aktion030:
They really don't mean much. The original orange bracelet are handed out by Steve when you take a boob cruise. It is just a way for people who frequent this site to identify each other. Because some people either do not take a boob cruise or do not take one until late in their vacation, many people started to bring their own or bring a bunch and hand out themselves. When you get down there, look for a group of people wearing orange bracelets and say hi. It will lead to introduction and someone will hook you up. See you there.
Private transfer is definitely worth it. Hopefully, you booked with USATransfers as they are the best and the price is good $55. See you soon!
Last year was our first time to a topless optional resort... only took the the first happy hour at the sexy pool to get over being shy..... see you there!