I feel your pain!! I haven't even started packing or thinking about it!!! We did express check in tonight also! c u guys next Tuesday by NOON.............Jim and Cheryl are right behind us!! be sure to have the welcoming committee ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!:aktion030:
OH... almost forgot... A little note to the welcoming committee - our female half has just changed her hair colour so don't be looking for a blonde, she is a brunette now (apparently brunettes have more fun these days - we will put this theory to the test!)
It's Wednesday already! Before you know it we will all be sitting in the pool, drink in hand........ Ahhhh I can just feel the sun now! Can't wait to see everyone! Cheryl
WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Less than 48 hours now. Still trying to motivate the hubby to get his stuff packed so i can see how much room he will have left over for the stuff that won't fit in my suitcase. Off to the salon after work today for some last minute beautifying. See you guys soon!
T-Minus 24hrs til vaca officially begins...48hrs til Temptation!! Can't wait to meet and party with all you fun, crazy people!! ;D
Christy, I'm getting my "beauty" fix tonight too. But mine it's going to be more of an "ouch!" than relaxing bliss ;-)
I cant wait to hear about yalls trip!! I hate we will be seeing u guys on check in/check out!! The hair color really doesnt matter its the attitude!!! But I have went back dirty blonde...............I had been rocking the brunette all summer! How did your "beauty fix's" go last???
It's only 2.45pm here, so another 4 hours to my masochistic pleasures ;-) It's a bummer we are missing each other - next time Rhonda!