Ok, so I've been talking to my best friend and his wife who are waaaay more talented than I am. I say just a shirt and tie but they think a neon shirt made out of glow sticks, so I'm leaving it to the crewe to decide, but please remember I have to cart all this crap across country lines!
Glow sticks are notoriously bad for 'going off' at the wrong time - for travel they should really be stored in something rigid (like a carboard tube). If you attach them all to the shirt pre-flight, I expect quite a few will have gone off in-flight and you'll arrive at customs with a very glowy shirt. Also, sewing in every glow stick by hand will take AGES to put together. I'd suggest buying some 'EL wire' with attached battery packs, that will be easy to attach to fabric, and avoid any accidental setting off the chemical reaction problem you get with standard glow sticks. Not that expensive either. [ame=http://www.Amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=el%20wire]Amazon.com: el wire *Edit* link doesn't appear to work, but just type 'EL wire' into Amazon, Ebay etc and you'll see what I mean.
There is currently no theme for Sunday, Dec. 2nd. Can we throw in a "women in mens shirts"? I've seen a few groups that have done that theme and it would be so easy and soooooo sexy.
As long as the guys are willing to donate shirts to us single ladies.. we are gonna look funny all trotting across the busy road in mens shirts lol.artyhorn: I do like to dress up nicely on the odd night though.lol.. be a bit of a waste packing all my new dresses and glitter if it was theme every night xxxx
Sadly......I'm not going to be able to make my three-peat this year! I'm cancelling my great rate Alpha-rooms and flight today. :aktion061: sigh....
It is.... I'm going to miss seeing everyone! You'll have to represent Calgary! BTW... I have your flask too!