awesome we should be picking up a pack tomorrow anyways and a couple from london is bringing 6 we should be good!
We have a floating texas hold em table, but I don't think it'll fit in the suitcase. Darn baggage fees. Anyway, can't wait to fly out in the morning.
:musik026:One more shift and it's party time!!!! Is there any other firefighters going to be at TTR between the 13th and the 21st?
Sweeet you will be leaving some behind! Bad news, Sarah got a fever a day right before the trip... on anti biotics, and we have 9 hours until flight.. i feel horrible
Just over 12 hours till we fly out. Sorry to hear about the fever. We'll see you tomorrow and hopefully all will be good.
HALLOWEEN at Temptaion!!! 14 more days!!! CANNOT WAIT!!! Oct 26 - 4 Nov!!!! See you soon CANCUN!!!!!!!!!!:bj: HaHaHaHa