Ok, anyone wanna help get theme nights down for the rest of november? There are some for the beginning and the end, but none so far for the middle....any ideas?
Here are the ones so far Thur 1st... Resort lingerie night Frid2nd...Resort White night/(CCC Men's White Shirt and Heels night) Sat 3rd... Resort Red Dress Night/(CCC Wear Something Orange Day (in support of cancuncare.com)) Sun 4th... Boobs Cruise?? Mon 5th... (CCC Naughty School Girl night) Tue 6th... (CCC Mardi Gras Bead night) Wed 7th...(CCC Doctor/Nurse night) Thur 8th... Resort lingerie night Fri 9th... Resort White night(CCC Glow night) Sat 10th... Resort Red Dress Night Sun 11th... Boobs Cruise?? Mon 12th... (CCC Lace & Leather night/CCC wear something orange day) Tue 13th...(CCC Uniform night) Wed 14Th... (CCC Naughty School Girl night) Thur 15th... Resort lingerie night Fri 16th... Resort White night(/CCC Glow night) Sat 17th... Resort Red Dress night Sun 18th...Boobs Cruise??(/Orange night) Mon 19th... (CCC Uniform School/Police etc. night) Tue 20th...(CCC Animal Print night) Wed 21st...(CCC Leather & Lace night) Thur 22nd... Resort Lingerie night Fri 23rd... Resort White night/(CCC Glow night) Sat 24th... Resort Red Dress night Sun 25th... (CCC Orange night) Mon 26th......Boobs cruise?? Tue 27th....... (CCC Uniform/Fetish Theme night) Wed 28th...team meal in italian.. bar crawl to partyzone..finish coco bongo Thur 29th...... Resort Casino/Lingerie night Fri 30th...... Boobs Cruise/Resort White night/(CCC Glow Night)
orange an orange night in honour of cancuncare has been suggested for the 25th. .already got my boa xxxx
Orange, red, white, costumes......I'm going to have to get a bigger closet! My wardrobe is starting to rival some rock groups! It was tough finding red spandex to greet Monique and Glenn with in September....where the heck am I going to find Orange?? LOL :icon_mrgreen: