For an extra $55 you can book with USA Transfers and get your own private roundtrip ride and be there in half an hour. The extra money is definitly worth hours waiting around on a bus. Temptations is the last stop so you would have wait for all the other resorts drop offs.
Oh Bambers you will see us on the Plane from Calgary. We stand out! lol And Yes we should have some tasty Treats on the Plane!! But I think Zurc Will Vouch for us. We are all very nice people!!
Bambers, I book USA Transfers one-way ($35) for the trip from the airport to TTR, as TTR is the last stop as Jesse says. But I take the transfer included in my package from TTR back to the airport, as you will be the last pick up on the way to the 'port so USA Transfers doesn't really save you much time (tho it tends to pick you up a little later than the transfer included in your package). Compare flight times with the other Calgary people and maybe you can share a USA Transfers shuttle with them.
Yes, I booked the Westjet flight from Calgary that leaves at 8:45 a.m. so hopefully all are on the same flight. I will have to try out this recipe in case I sit far away from you guys on the plane. Last time I flew to Mexico they ran out of vodka and certain beers halfway through the flight!
Problem solved! :aktion033: Give the USA Transfers guy an extra 10 bucks and you can all head down to the resort together. I'll probably be out during my mid-afternoon nap when you all get there but first drinks are on me at Patty O's. rangehat: