They're still taking votes in boobs cruises to all the new people so be sure to check it out! suggested dates for november boob cruises. ( 1 2 3)
A lot of people book in on 24th! Don't get there before I do and leave me the crappy room! (only joking)!
You should be safe. Don't fly in til mid-afternoon and still have to get there. Save me a drink if you're getting there first!
Your showing up the same day as a bunch of our Canadian friends so I wouldn't be suprised if you run into them at the airport. They'll be the ones there running to the hotel transfer as soon as the plane lands. The rest of us there will see you at Patty O's. :aktion069:
Yeah I didn't book a special transfer but booked all inclusive so it will probably take me hours to get there. Maybe I'll find some of them on the plane. I'm told they're the ones with the vodka infused gummy bears...lmao