Ladies & Gentlemen of TTR, question- after throwing or placing your luggage in your room, what is usually the first thing you do at TTR, :daveandmo::beer4:artyhorn:
Get naked ! Then.......,decide on options such as unpacking, changing into pool attire, have drinks in the room, perhaps some play with my partner, take a shower to get cleaned up. Maybe even all of the above. The real question is determining a sequence of events after getting naked. Whatever feels right seems to work best for us.
Quickly unpack. Take our yearly pic of DosXX on the balcony. Drink said DosXX. Head to sexy pool as quickly as possible. Damn, is really 306 days until we can do this again??
We usually get there before the room is ready, so it's a quick trip to the bathroom to change then on to the sexy pool bar. Then hope we aren't too drunk to remember to get a room at 3! After that, GAME ON!!!
Well we got there room was not ready so we got something to eat and drink room was ready wehn to room hit balconey then went to pool
Our flights don't get us there until 4pm. Last trip, well, from an earlier post I described how we spent a load of time just 'unpacking' and maybe a bit of 'getting familiar with each other again' in the room, but that to me was time wasted. Get your ass down to the sexy pool asap if you arrive before 5pm to join in with the fun!
Walk in the room lose the top and anything else legal! Drink SOMETHING alcoholic. Check out the balcony view - hopefully of the sexy pool. The head down to meet our new acquired friends. (Love the comment of the double shot of tequila. Just might try that.)