Odd that you would be concerned about that, when the issue is the safety of the American people from attack from abroad. I thought the safey of the U.S. knew no political bounds. Every poster on this thread has admitted that the Islamic world is, and continues to be, extremely agitated by this film; but then, some dismiss it as a problem of the Islamic world. It is not, it is our problem, and we have to take responsibility for it. To simply reply that, "He was within his rights," is to refuse to recognize any responsibility for preventing his actions, and detering others from issuing similar provocations. We are simply stupid to allow those within our borders and over who we have control to put us all at further jeapordy.
great arguments on every side a lot depends upon your situation. as a card carrying libertarian, my strong conservative views on personal responsibility and wacko liberal civil liberites stance plays a huge role in all of my opnions and as T has learned to say in these matters, "rob, what do i know?, your always right" you guys would do well to just agree with me like t does rob
V, my comment about the reversal of roles was only related to conservatives seem to sometimes decry the use of the freedom of speech and liberals tend to jump to the protection of the freedom of speech. In this discussion the roles are somewhat reversed. That was the only point about my comment. I don't think anyone would disagree that the guy who put this film out is a nutcase, but he still has the right to express himself in the US. Many in the Middle East cannot understand that we can speak freely here. That concept is foreign to them. They really have no concept of how we live or what we do in this country. All they seem to know is that we are "evil" as they have been told by their leaders. The perversion of any religion results in very dangerous circumstances. Historically the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Salem witch burnings are all examples here in the US. Imagine if we would have had the internet back then. Now we have the internet which will allow any zealot to fan the fires of their own hatred in just nanoseconds. It does make one wonder where this is all headed.
As a movie producer, you should have every right to make such a movie. If I don't agree with the movie or topic, then I have every right not to go see it, or complain about it, boycott it, or make a better movie. In no way does it become a legitimate excuse to go an kill someone who has nothing to do with the movie. I might be over simplifying it, but not agreeing with a movie / article / book does not give anyone the right to randomly take people's lives. Without defending the producer or his views as an individual, one cannot pass blame for the crimes committed from the murderers to the author. And if you do, who draws the line on what's acceptable or not? This time it's a movie... next time a song? then a commercial? maybe a 2 line joke posted on a travel board?
Let me see if I totally understand this issue: Some person who is anti muslim(though supposedly born in Egypt) makes a movie that is making fun of Muhammed? Then he places is on You Tube where some fools see it in the Mid East and errupt in violence againts the West specifically the US because we are the great Satans? Why not errupt againts the internet and its founders as well for showing such movies? This is typical muslim hatred againts their beliefs and anyone who may say something againts it in any shape or form. We do have the right to make such movies in the US under the 1st ammendment. If you do not like it do not watch it. End of story. It does not give us reason to rise up and kill people in the name of our God or whomever you believe in. We westeners are better educated that this fools who errupt for any reason againts the West since we are doing well by buying their oil to help them survive. Without us they would have no weapons or voices to speak againts us since they would be too poor. We pay their way thanks to their oil supply. Want this to end, stop buying their oil and make them go broke due to us not feeding them. Then they may change their story a bit. Of course as long as our president bows to them we can never win againts them. But we will never win the relegious issues againts them. Now this guy who made the movie should say I am sorry to the Arab world and end of that story. U Tube should have pulled the video, but they did not due to the freedom of speech. I applaud that. But who knows it may be a mistake on their part. Lets not blame the maker of the movie alone if you want to place a blame. You need to include those who show this movie.
I humbly bow out of this thread, as its pretty repetitive to have to write "Does NOT excuse" in every new post, yet still get the opposite back, haha. Like a broken record. Also, the generalizing of Muslims is more than yucky enough for me. Stereotyping should not be a part of a thread that aims at being(trying?) serious. CheersĀ“nĀ“beers!
ed, i think my wife just says it to shut me up as i tend to repeat myself like a broken record. i promise you she really wants to say "rob just shut the F%^^&* up would ya" but she does not want hurt my feelings and piss me off... cause she loves the sex too much lol rob