You don't actually save time, you spend that 30 minutes looking in the mirror saying: what the hell happened" and telling yourself that Kojak really was attractive..
Its true if it wasn't for Karen id be at work in the middle of the night playing by myself...wait that didn't come out right! :icon_eek:
yes...yes it did...hahaha!! No, Karen will be missed...and let the anticipation build for 2013 crew...even before the 2012 event happens!! like frig!!!
Hi everyone! Hubby and I just booked our first trip to the resort for December 1 - 8. We decided on it after reading all these great forums! We are really looking forward to meeting new friends! We usually take cruises so we are super excited about a resort trip! We would love to get to know you all (if you wouldn't mind a couple of newbies around!). Can't wait!
Welcome to the chaos crewe! We were all newbies once and we keep coming back year after year. You'll have a great time!