Many many people going to Temptation aren't on this board, dont know it exists really, and some just don't do message boards. So there will be other singles there. Maybe not tons, but they will be there. No worries.
Ours too, first two no big deal, only by 10 or 15 min. But the last one was almost 3 hours! Thats unacceptable by my standards because if we wanted to change our flight it would cost us money, but the airlines can do it without any consideration or renumeration to the customers who actually keep them in business! Sorry, as you can tell this still fires me
We leave Ct at 6 in the morning on the 7th and have about a three hour lay over in Miami and arrive in Cancun about 1:40 !!
Ok... I can't b alone, just started packing and honestly TTR is the easiest trip to pack for. I just grab that "secret tote" in the back of the closet and throw in all the clothes I generally never wear! Don't ya luv it!?! I am the soccer Mom gone wild......
I seriously can't believe I just saw these response for me to know what to bring on the Boobs Cruise Karen. Good grief....I must need a vacation! Oh...wait!!! Two more working days and on to Temptations!!! Good thing I found your list before I finished packing and got on the plane! LOL Thanks're the BEST!
Too of us in our pair...saw this early in August! HaHa Still getting the lists together the office runs smoothly while I'm gone on vacation! So much to little time! Oh well in just a couple of days...I won't care! I'll be at the Sexy Pool! I'm a bad influence...but...Damn I'm fun!
As soon as they changed our flight, I called them up and got better flights that cost more money, but it was an even exchange. So we booked the cheapest flight possible to begin with, but after they change it, you are allowed to pick any other flight at no additional cost to you. So for us, it actually worked out better.