Bummer! We booked our flights on a Wednesday night, it seems that prices are better mid week, at least on orbitz and expedia. We got the alpharooms deal, but only get six days due to Vaca time....
Depending on what you can get for airfare alpharooms is still just under a $100 a night for the room. Just hide in Craigs suitcase if your reaaly desperate for the flight. (even though I know you don't like the cold!)
Won't work having Karen in Craig's suitcase Zurc. She would never be able to bring all her shoes, and paper hats? Lol:aktion054:
True, the shoe's would never fit Rene, but size wise she could fit in a carry on bag. She's an itty little thing. She can just wear flats for a week, even though that probably kill her to just have one pair of shoes!:ranting1:
Humph! I've been busy throwing an 80th birthday party for my dad, and when I return to the boards, I find that not one but THREE men have been mocking both me and my shoe habit. That's the last time I leave you guys unsupervised for 5 hours. :aetsch022: