Sadly, like sasquatch, the loch ness monster and a perfect woman that thinks a guy who likes comic books is sexy it's all a myth. :doh:
Would you be interested in partaking as a dancing bridesmaid? Jesse I'll see about finding a white collar to go with your sock I forget who said about till death or a bodyshot but the service should end with a kiss and some whipped cream
I've found a collar on ebay so I should be all set. I've also done some preliminary research and I'm pretty sure the only proper way to end it with the whip creame is "You may now lick the bride" Just have to pick up a playboy at the airport to use instead of a bible. I'm not overtly religious but I'm not ruining my chances at jubilee either! :lighting1:
Afraid not - it can connect an MP3 player though! *EDIT* Scratch that, there's one on Argos that does have the USB thingy, and only £10 more, so yes, will have USB port. :icon_biggrin: