Not that other bands aren't a neat idea, but to help newbies recognise me, I think I'll just stick with my current orange band. Orange is kind of like the universal CCC colour, and very easy to spot. Going into multi colours might not stand out as much, and it's my mission to make sure everyone on these boards, whether they post once a day or once a year feels welcome and included. I picked my band up after the cruise that ran part way through my last trip. As soon as I put that on, had loads of people asking "are you on CCC?". For newbies, it's really easy to see an orange band and assume people are CCC folk. Multi coloured, if I was a newbie, not sure I'd be approaching people in case it was just a nice band they'd picked up!
The April group does orange bands plus the commemorative band for the year in question. No obligation for anyone to participate, lol, but ill get them for whomever wants to participate... Should be a GREAT time!
I find it difficult to get people to wear one wrsitband, much less 2. I still have the orange ones from the last 2 years, I'm sticking with that.
I had four myself last April, lol. Like I said, no obligation. If its just Karen and I so be it, no worries if anyone else wants to get one ill bring half with me, and send half with Karen.
I think it's somewhat cool to have a unique Chaos Crew band. Do you have to wear but it's something to show you're part of the crew. I will likely wear an orange one as well but look fwd to having a Chaos Crew to add. You can always wear it on the other wrist. Even out the tan lines!!
Put em on a necklace, make them into an earring, attach them to a hat, the uses are endless, hahahahaha.... Have fun with it, that is what were all out to do at Temptation anyways....
I am not one to put my 2 cents in! But if I could make a comment? Could we see if these bands can come in a LARGE size? I like the bands, and the ones I have gotten for April Addicts and CCC are all very Tight on My arms and there for I don't wear them much! Just my thoughts!!
LOL Rene...we don't want your two bits...can't you see we are having enough problems with the damn wristbands already. Now you throw size into the mix! ha ha Besides, if we got a band big enough to fit YOUR wrist, I'd have to wear it as a belt!