update restaurants-- jessie just reminded me we had better had some official restaurant nights.. i do book tables most nights in the a la cartes for singles to sit together , but we do need a few team meals.. monday 26th......boob cruise suggestion tuesday 27th.......uniform/fetish theme night wednesday 28th..team meal in italian.....then bar crawl to partyzone..finish coco bongo thursday 29th......casino/lingerie friday 30th...... Boobs Cruise suggestion saturday 1st dec.....xmas theme sunday 2nd...team meal in rio brazilian restarant opposite the resort monday 3rd... moved uniform/fetish night tuesday 4th.......boob cruise suggestion// wednesday 5th...bar crawl to partyzone..finish coco bongo thursday 6th..........casino/lingerie friday 7th.........team meal in italian.. saturday 8th......xmas theme sunday 9th....... Boobs Cruise suggestion monday 10th...... tuesday 11th......uniform theme wednesday 12th.... thursday 13th..casino/lingerie
misread this one, we could do a halloween theme for monday 26th, there has been a boob cruise suggestion for that date.. but we are all hardcore we can party all day and all night too xx
dohhhh jessie that is uniform night lol.... i called it that to cover everyones kinks..especially school girls.. and ps leather and sunglasses sounds sexy jessie..chips.. but you may have to ride a donkey not a motorcycle has it is mexico...:daveandmo:
So we are having uniform, schoolgirl, fetish & burlesque all rolled into a single night? Is that the CCC version of "Anything Goes" night?
ha ha spot on karen no one has an excuse not to participate............... everybodys fetish is covered lol..
Count us in for all of the themes! We would love to participate in the team dinner on the twenty-eighth and the second.
Well we finally booked our flight to go along with the booking we did at Alpharooms a while back. We are there from Dec 1 till the 10th and would love to do a Boobs Cruise on the 4th. This is our second trip down having partied with the April Addicts and ready to join the Chaos Crew.
PDF Roll Call? Stealing Woody's idea Hey everyone. When I joined the April Addicts this past April, I was starting from scratch trying to get to know the 100 Addicts that were going to be there during my week. Woody (the mayor of the Addicts) creates a PDF file every year in which people send him a pic of themselves, their real names, and the dates they will be at TTR. It looks like Steve's Roll Calls, but it has everyone's real names and decent headshots so we can recognize you (don't get me wrong...we don't object to cleavage avatars, but it makes it more challenging to identify you...unless you're SUE ha ha). Woody had an group email of everyone's addresses and would send us all an updated list at least once a week as people continued to book. I printed out the PDF file for the week of my trip, and it was SOOOO helpful. Every morning I read it at breakfast to see who was arriving that day, and who was leaving. Plus after a day of drinking at the sexy pool, you tend to forget people's names, so the list was a big help for that reason, too. I kept it after the trip to help me remember people's real names for next year, since I'm terrible with names. I'm not very tech savvy myself (to say the least), but is there a member of the Chaos Crew who has the time and inclination to take on this project? Do people think the PDF file would be useful? I don't think it really involves that much work (the Chaos Crew only covers about 3 weeks and is a much smaller group than the Addicts), and know it would be a huge help for the newbies to the Crew.