There do seem to be a lot of people so far that would be around for a cruise on the 26th. Many people are coming in around the 23rd-24th it seems.
If we could get enough people on board we'd be down with 2 cruises in that 1st week. Maybe 1 on Sunday or Monday of that week and a 2nd on Friday or Saturday. As fun as the resort is, the boat is 1000X better!!!:huepfen021:
Argh...I hate it when the roll call is up and I can't post my dates because I HAVEN'T BOOKED. It feels like everyone is planning a party and I haven't been invited! :icon_rolleyes: Jesse, I'm glad prices are better for you than last year. Here, the best 7-day package price is still about $150 more than I paid last year. But I know I just have to be patient for another 4-6 weeks and prices will fall. Patience is not a particular virtue of mine, unfortunately.
I'm fine with 2 cruises as well. They're always a blast. I just need to know if the new place has as good of fish on the buffet as the ones we've used in the past!
:aktion033: Whew! That was the only way my trip could have been ruined, well that and running out of booze.
I don't think a party could be planned WITHOUT you! So glad you're on board after the Miss Temptation thing - hopefully your prices will come down
HA!!! People somehow still manage to have a good time at TTR the 11 months of the year I am not there hee hee hee. But sure looking forward to celebrating your 30th birthday with you!