Just wondering if people get full on naked on these sailing trips and if people are doing bodyshots (whip cream or other) off of eachother, spouses or otherwise? Myself and my wife are pretty curious folk who want to know what to expect. Thanks.
The Boobs Cruise is pretty much whatever you want to make of it. I went on June 27th with a friend and neither one of us was sure what to expect. I got a little more "into" it than she did, but nobody gave her grief for not participating in body shots. If you are curious and looking for some excitement I am certain you will find it, just be aware everybodys boundaries are different. It's a great day to hang out with quality people and I guarantee no matter what happens you will have fun! And yes there is some full nudity
I can't wait to find out what will happen on the one for Labor Day weekend! Didn't get on it last year, so I'm looking forward to finding out what happens this year! :aktion033:
I've been on cruises that are fairly tame (think a normal day around the sexy pool) to completely insane.....depends on the mix of people and as PDX Ladies states it's pretty much what you make of it. There will be boobs....that's a given....there may be more.....what are YOUR boundries?
here in spain we dont have teh tradition of doing body shots so mi gilrfriend never had enjoy such experience with a extranger maybe in a near future
There is more than just licking whipped cream off other people's privates going on during the Boobs Cruise, and I will leave it at that.
Answering your questions in the order you asked them...yes, yes, yes, yes and yes. Tequila is the key variable here.
Agreed on the tequila thing, but too much can be a bad thing! I barely remember the return part of the cruise because I had too much tequila! On return to TTR, I got dressed for dinner, but realised I was hopelessly drunk and took the executive decision to 'have a nap' before going to dinner. Woke up 6 hours later and not feeling particularly great! Next cruise I'm cutting back on the booze so as to at least remember the fun!