Has anyone done the couples massage recently? I had an individual massage last year and it was fantastic. Really wanting to do the couples massage this year but have heard mixed reviews. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
I just texted you. We did the couples hot stone massage and that was fantastic. Don't waste your $$ on the sensual on. Tickle each other with a feather and have fun in your room.
I think it greatly depends on your therapists as far as what kind of experience you have with the couples sensual massage. Let's just say there was far more than tickling feathers on our couple's sensual massage. We'd recommend trying it at least once.
We're going to give it a try in August. Booked it last trip but had 3 couples tell us they did it and it was a waste of money. But as I've read on this forum I guess it depends on who you get.
Chris, the Couple's massage is a bit of a rip-off - you basically pay 2 1/2 times the cost of a regular massage, with the only add on being 30 minutes in a hot tub that isn't private, and a "love kit" which is basically some scented massage oil and some lube. whee. Do what we did instead: We booked two individual massages, but then asked to have them simultaneously in the same room. You get the awesome massage of the couple's massage, with the added benefit of lower cost! And without the pointless extras.
The couples sensual massage is $180/couple. The regular "relaxation" massage is $75/person. Both for 50 mins. That is a $30 difference. I'm not sure where you are getting your 2 and 1/2X rates from. I also doubt you had quite the same massage that our couples sensual massage had. Just saying...ours was way more than just having them done simultaneously. This is why I really think it depends on the therapist you have. We recommended another couple get one the same day and they had exactly the same experience as us. I suppose you could save $30 bucks though and never know any better
I think it does matter on who you get for a therapist. Ours was a pretty good time. Would I spend the money and do it again? Maybe, but I can at least say I did it once.