My birthday is October 23. And we will be there on September 23. So my birthday month will officially time TTR style
Yep we are still planning on picking Carol up on Friday. Glenn says give us an address for downtown and we will give you a call before Friday. Pm me a phone number incase I can't find the old email. I think I still have it but I am not sure. Delicious is your travel agent, lol Is Rene coming too?
140 - 13 Ave SW is the entrance to the parkade. How far can you walk? We can take a cab to Cowboys (its 4 blocks from the parkade -Dance steps not included) and then another 4 blocks to Ft. Calgary. My phone number is on the invitation as well but I will PM you. YES, Delicious is my agent...LOL....she said it wouldn't hurt at all! Rene is tied up with work then I believe and doesn't think he can come. :aktion060:
Phuckers~! Hey guys!! Remember me!!! Want to make it out in sept and need a roomie to make this fly.... anyone know anyone who wants to bunk up with a super hot fun sexy girl ???