Hubby and I will be celebrating our 5th anniversary during our trip to TTR in August...any ideas how I can make it special (other than the obvious)?
We did our last July with Mario on the beach for our 10th anniversary. It was great. Just ask Chinos and I'm sure he'll be more than glad to do it. They say he does a really nice job at it.
We have been to TTR on our Anniversary for the last 4 years - this are a few things - private dinner on the beach - couples masage - or a romanic dinner at the Italian or the sea food - both are Great!!! But I do enjoy renewing our vows with Chinos.. we may try that this time.
What was the cost on this? Although we will be there in 16 days, our 20th anniversary isn't for another month or more, but this sounds like something fun. :aktion031:
I have looked everywhere for the post where I read it.. I think Steve can give you the info.. I have not done this just read it on here and thought it would be fun.. I found it .. its post number 11