Well I'll check with T she makes them occasionally......:bandit: I think each room should have a specialty drink.......and will room hop. Our room... shots of a good tequila with salt and a lime............:aktion031:
I've made 2 batches. One with Tropical Punch Vodka and one with some cheap vodka. They both came out fine. First had a sweeter taste. I strained them and re-bottled the excess "sugary" vodka residue. I then put 5-7 bears in individual dixie mouthwash cups and put back in fridge until the party. Total of 5 days soaking each time. TIP: don't leave out in heat, or they will melt into a big blob and no longer will be considered bears. I'll try with peach snapps next time. Gotta get another 6lb bag from Sam's club for "research"!!!
I will try again and strain them and refrigerate. That was my mistake. Dammit!!!! I'll report my findings in September.. Or after a shore party in july.. Lol Drunken Gummys take 2
I believe Momma bear said she soak them over night, then drained them, let them dry and double bagged them for the flight to cancun. All wear good except for the sour puss ones that got slimy in the sun.
I soaked mine for about 4 days in a GLASS bowl, covered in fridge. Stir at least once a day. I used Pinnacle Gummy flavored vodka and some orange vodka. They got a little bigger, but not bad. I took them into a concert with me and we had a blast with them. I found a site with directions. I'll find again and post it.
Here is the link: Drunken Gummies (Vodka-Infused Gummi Bears) I didn't go 5 days with mine and I don't use the fruit juice but I think I will next time.
That's a great idea! I am very strongly considering gummy bears and Jello shots. Let me know what T does. I am thinking about drying them out in the fridge on a flat surface so they don't stick together and I will keep them refridgerated, but that might be a problem from the night before until we arrive nearly 24 hours after we leave our house. ~Jill~
I used peach schnapps with mine. I used one bottle per 1 lb bag of gummy bears. Soaked them for about 6 hours in a glass bowl. Not in the fridge. I drained them in a strainer put them in a ziplock bag over night. In the morning I put them in sandwish baggies and took them on the flight to TTR. They were not big and gooey nor slimey. some stuck together but not bad at all and were very tastey! The more the alcohol content the more they will get slimey cuz it eats away at the sugar. Plus don't soak them in a metal or plastic bowl.. will give them an ick taste. The longer you soak the bigger they will get then the slime comes into the picture. They are yummy and a great ice breaker at a party, bar or TTR. Then letting people suck your fingers clean ummm zingggg. Another way to do jello shots is to cut oranges in half. take out the centers fill them with jello, let set, then quarter them into slices. Another thing is take a turkey injector and inject vodka into a watermellon let sit in the fridge over night, then slice up and serve the next day. When ya live in the middle of nowhere.. and being a bartender for over 8 years you find many different ways to enjoy different libations!