we are bringing between 3 and 5 disposable cameras (depends on how quick Amazon post them out!) with us on 14th May. Is it OK if we ask folk to pass them around and take some random shots for us so that when we get back home we can have a bit of a surprise package! Do you think people would be up for it? If not please let me know and it'll save lugging them over to cancun and back again!! ta very much
OH..... I think you'll get some very interesting pictures! Just have to find a place to process them that won't arrest you when you come to pick up the pictures. Jamie
mmm, I thought that might be the trade off!! The way I see it blokes flabby arses mooning to camera can get awfully boring really quick so either: a) maybe people will be more imaginative or b) the film processor will fall asleep and let all the fun ones through! Might have to send them in under a false name though just in case! Maybe if I tick the box for the 40" print to canvas option they'll look the other way? I guess in time Deb will learn to love the slightly blurred but twice life size male genital shot that the lab selected.....
Stacia handed our Olympus Tough digital camera around on the Boobs Cruise, and it got used a LOT! Didn't need the disposables, but that damn cam is really tough, it's not just a name. Drunken me has dropped it at the edge of the pool, into which it bounced, no kidding, and went to the bottom. Neat thing, the cam is rated to 33 feet (10m), and it was just hanging out down there, still on when we manged to fish (pun intended) it out. Going to post the pics into a fotki album when Twinimini gets me set up so y'all can check it out for yourself.