I'm packed.. Dayum I have lots of crap. Ugh.. I need to do some creative packing. 4 more days!!! And just when I think I got everything I remember one more thing. Oye
One more sleep for us! This time tomorrow, airport bound!! SO STOKED!! Wont be at the resort til later tomorrow evening, probably 830pm but thats when the party gets started right?? SAFE TRAVELS TO ALL!!!!!
Safe journeys to all of you and see you on Wednesday! I'm for one crossing my fingers for the weather thing.
Safe travels to all. The rest of us will hold down the fort until it's our turn....... Sigh... Eh weather will be fine for havin fun. It's all good.
If there is one thing I have learned from travelling all around the Caribbean its to NOT trust the forecast! Its sure to be a wonderful time rain or shine...but hopefully its more shine!! ~jenn
A_L_M_O_S_T there!! Flight leaves at 9 am tomorrow morning from ATL! Hopefully get to upgrade to 1st class and the comfortable seats/free drinks (can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning!!). Three hour flight to Cancun...then into Temptations...straight to the sexy pool!! Woo Hoo!! Cmon, 4 o'clock!! Need to be done with work See you all soon
Aspiring Seasonal Alcoholic! What a great idea for a club, I vote you as president and I'll be your fist follower!:beer4:
Well the time has come that we been waiting on for two months now. WE ARE ON VACATION !!!!!! Flight leaves 7:25 and we will be in Cancun by 11:30 Hope everyone has a safe trip and we will see you there.
We can all rotate responsibilities of enforcing drinking rules! No man or woman left behind (or sober)