My wife and I will be making our first trek to Tempts in Nov. Everything seems really great and we are really looking forward to being adults. The one thing that both of us seem to have a concern about is the single male factor. When reading some of the negative reviews they seem to talk about groups of single males that are out of control and sometimes downright rude and crude with other guys wives. Is this true? How often does Tempts get this type of people? I say this because I am not one to hold my tongue and dont want our vacation to turn into something totally not fun. Thanks for any info you could provide on this topic.
There won't be any large groups of single males at Temptation in November, it is usually March when they show up.
Just a side note I have nothing against singles at all. My problem would be with groups of single guys who are going to be rude and out of control with my wife. I really only mention this because I have read this in some reviews. Not sure how legit the reviews are so I thought to come to the Tempts source.
Got back April 16th, was a group single males from uk on a bach party, who were aholes, but was also group from Scotland who were totally respectful and fun to hang with! Just depends........
LOL. If you stick with the groups and couples all should be fine. I recall last year, I left Kelly alone at the pool for a few minutes, to either run to the room or something, and when I go back heard that the husband of a couple "protected" her. I believe the exact situation was something like this: Kelly in smaller pool of sexy pool with a couple of girls from other couples. Single guy sat in the smaller pool with the ladies but on opposite side. Single guy started moving in closer to "prey" lol. Girls didn't like this particular single guy. Single guy move right next to Kelly. Husband from one of the couple asked the girls in front of the single guy: "Do you know him?" Girls replied, "No." Husband turned to single guy and said pointing to him, "You! F*ck off!" Single guy left. LMAO. Don't get me wrong, single guys are more than welcome and we chatted with a lot of them. However, they must be respectable, calm, and cool. This particular guy had been noticed for a couple of days "lurking" and just trying way to hard. So with that said, last year (our first year) we were looked after by the "experienced" members. This year, I now know what to look for and will join that group of "protectors." Kelly and I have a code that when she feels uncomfortable, she'll either rub her neck or touch her face some how. Then I'll just come in and introduce myself to mix and get her away from the situation. Please don't take my response as if this is a problem, because this one incident was the ONLY incident we had. And as you can see, it was a pretty mild one. Just sharing our thoughts!
When you say they were aholes, what exactly were they doing? My wife is super attractive and not sure I want to play bouncer my entire vaca. Sorry to belabor the point but I think certain women will get more attention and I have a feeling my wife would be one.
I'm (Beck) from England btw! They were acting like teenagers at the pool throwing their drinks at each other while in the pool, and would come over to the women if their hubby's/boyfriends weren't around at Patyos! They would take no for an answer though! It was more that they didn't respect the resort and act like adults!
I have already apologized for my actions on that dreadful day, I had too much to drink, do we have to keep bringing it up? :aktion030:
We have been all times of the year and there are always groups of losers there. Most cant get laid in a whorehouse with a pocket full of money, but they think by harrasing the hottest married women it will work. December a few years ago was the worst. If your wife is hot not just to you but to everyone else, you will always have pricks who bother them. My advice, eat lots of protein and lift weights often.