I know I'm beating a dead horse because this question's been asked before, but it's a very vitally important topic! Best way to avoid a hangover and/or cure a hangover the next morning? :deadhorse:
-Burger before bed -Down a gatorade before bed (or bring pedialite packets) -Take some painkiller before bed -Hydrate each day, throughout the day.. Pepsi or coke is not hydrating. Trust me I found out the hard way with that one. Lol
When you have a hangover most of the time you are dehydrated with a loss of electrolytes. The key electrolytes that are lost include potassium, sodium and chloride. There is a supplement called Cytomax made by Cytosport and in 24 oz serving of Cytomax Performance, there are 210 calories and 29g of sugar. This drink provides 53g of carbohydrates, 285 mg of sodium and 243mg of potassium. Here is a link to Vitamin Shoppe whereyou can also buy the "stick packs" to pour into a bottle of water to rehydrate. Buy Cytosport products at discount prices from The Vitamin Shoppe
We've had the really bad hangovers where you can't keep anything down and in desperation one time tried Dramamine/Bonine. If you can keep it down long enough, it will settle your stomach enough to get some gatorade/powerade in you to rehydrate. You'll usually then sleep for a couple hours and get up feeling like a new person. Usually gatorade and some ibuprofen will due the trick but if you've been real naughty try the dramamine.
I have to agree in that you should (try and remember) to eat something before going to bed (even a slice of bread), and definitely hydrate. Works for us.
One other thing that works for me is take RU-21 or Chasers before you start to really drink hard. I have used these the last 3 times I have been to TTR and they work great. A complex vitamin B will also work if in a pinch. Alot of people think that things like Chaser's don't work, but they have for me, and I usually get up with a hangover but not with these. RU-21 is a bit cheaper and they have it on Amazon and they both work. The bottle says to take a couple after every few drinks....well I usually just take two in the middle of my drinking and wake up just fine in the morning. And has been said before eat before you go to sleep. How can you resist the burgers at 4 am anyways? Rob
Have a gaterade before bed....whole thing!! And something to eat folllowed by 3 advil! Has always worked for us down south....and by lunch your good to go again! No food in the belly means low blood sugar when you wake up that in turn means you go from bad hangover to really bad hangover.
Eating and water before bed are definitely key. Gatorade, exedrin, a few tums and some pantoloc or something similar if you can get a prescription for it (or know any nurses lol). And i always find a good breakfast helps, even if it feels like a battle to get it down.... Finally, I find if you can manage to even crawl as far as the pool, the cool water can really do wonders for you. It`s the getting your ass there that`s tough!