And Jess....I don't even know how you kept track of all the requests. We didn't have as much input- I wonder if we have less people, less interest, less requests or what...but I am impressed by the fact that you tried to keep everyone's requests into consideration. Yay for you! :clappyinghappy:
Ok so its been a day & it seems that everyone is ok with the themes that have been posted. So they are officially locked & set. Whew! Lol! Someone started a thread today with a couple neat ideas that I think could be alot of fun. Wanting some input on what you all think. I personally love both ideas! Here is what he posted.......... "Who would be up for giving your camera to another person and have them document a day at TTR through their eyes? All you would have to do is bring a digital camera, or alternatively (and perhaps safer?) extra SD card, as most cameras use that format now. The person you give it to goes out on their normal day and takes pictures of whatever they see fit. ONLY RULE: CONTINUE TO TREAT OTHER GUESTS WITH RESPECT AND DON'T INVADE THEIR PRIVACY IN THESE PICTURES At the end of the day, simply return the SD card or camera to the person who gave it to you and enjoy the pictures you recieve from their point of view. Part 2 is bring along a plain white shirt that you don't mind being marked up. Have anyone you can find sign it for a keepsake of your trip. Anyone else in? Suggestions? I would be willing to bring along my laptop to make copies for those that wish as long as they had a card I could copy them on to." Any thoughts?? Jess
I think we would be up for this if we swapped sd cards....I would rather do that so that I don't have to worry about caring for someone's camera or them taking care of ours. I also know how mine works and it would seem that I would get better "pics" if I know how it works Fun idea! We are in for sometime in 2nd half of June 21st - 30th. That is - 72 days from today! :blueshock: ~Jill~
Wednesday, June 20th – (TTR Revelation show) Brandy's Birthday – Her Choice Night She's requested a "sheer dress night" on page one I believe
:typing:We're still working out when to book. The wife keeps cking what the theme nights are and what else she needs to order!
Ed now that the theme nights have been set would you please post the "official" final list. Thanks for all your work!
The next version of the Guest List spreadsheet will be emailed out on April 15th. Only those Cancuncare members who have requested to be added to it will receive it. We have some basic info and a picture for each member as well as the list of themes for the month. We're also keeping track of those who are participating in the toy swap. Here's who have signed up so far: $parkie7, acjsts, amybobby5, ashdylmur, BBGParty, bearandsquirt, Ben & Lisa, Btownplay247, CapeCodShorties, ChrisandSusie, crar0520, Esquared, FloridaFun, greeneyedblonde, jessned, joedogg1968, jtandmm, KDMD, KevMar, Masada, NikeRitaGhis, pfitz128, shinerfrog, syarsports, tntinftw, twoxtrouble4u, VABlondes, warm sun & cold beer, W&K, and ZandM If you want in, send me a PM. Thomas & Tabitha Is it June, yet?