Ok this is the "worrywort" side of Jessned here. Lol. We still have 2 months to go but I know alot of people have already bought & are buying the things for the theme nights. We have tried to make it pretty close to the original nights that were posted but there were a few suggestions made for additional themes on nights we didnt really have much planned. As we said we are trying to be as accomadating to everyone as possible & make everyone happy but we know we cant keep switching things around so I propose that after today the nights will be officially set so everyone knows exactly what to plan on in terms of what to buy. So today is the day to let us know if what we have down is ok with everyone. Like Ed said it is the most fun when the majority of the group participates so we want everyone to enjoy what we have planned. As far as the club night goes. That really isnt a big deal or set in stone. The club schedule changes at the resort week to week ( with the exception of some like CoCo Bongos which I believe is always Mon nt). The way it works is they will announce during the day at the pool what club they are going to as a resort that nt. Then they sell the tickets at Patty Os that evening, then everyone meets in the lobby at somewhere around 10:30 or 11 to take buses to the club. We can all talk about it once we're there as to what club/what night everyone wants to go to as a group & whether or not we want to go with the resort or just as a group. We just set the 11th as a start. we have enjoyed trying to come up with ways to make this an unforgettable time for everyone & are so excited to see all our old friends & meet those of you we have become friends with through here & our FB page. We're so ready to party!!! :mnm: Jess
:lotsofmichaelfs: You are the bomb Jess & Ed!!!!! The 8th is very fitting for white night...it's our 10th anniversary! Have I mentioned how excited I am for this trip?!?!
Wasn't sure where to put this..... if you go to promotionalcodes.com you can put in the site you are shopping on and see if there is a promo code available.
Ok so as of tomorrow we will have a set in stone, no more changing, theme list for our JUNE JUNKIES adventure. I know it is rough I tried to set it all up last year. It worked out pretty well for the most part.
We are good with the theme nights and theme days. Thank you very much Ed and Jess. I know it has been a lot of work and quit worrying, all is good. Curtis and Dawn