It's actually Friday's we have agreed not to run our cruises. I try to avoid Tuesday's too but we have no formal agreement on that, and if I book the boat first then we get it
And we wouldn't want to go without you two!!! :liebe011::liebe011::liebe011::liebe011: Debbie and George
I need to go back and find the email Dean sent me of the pics of you guys last year on the cruse, my camera died that day, and send them to you, they are quite graphic, lol, They would be great advertising for the Boobs Cruse
I've had a few Pm's and emails asking this so thought I would post: I'm going to open up deposit payments for the May 10 cruise on Monday 9th April, probably around 10-11am CST. I'll set the initial capacity at 60, but will almost certainly raise this higher once we have checked out how the new bigger boat (capacity 80) works out when we run the cruise next Saturday that we have 80 people booked for. After that I'll know whether the new bigger boat will work for future high capacity cruises. I never really know what the demand will be until it opens but this one may fill so my advice would be, be quick to reserve your spots! Once the deposits open up I'll post a message in this thread and you'll also find a sticky post towards the top of the forum.
16th for us!!! I'll be on here checking all the time for the sign up, don't want it to sell out without us being on board!!!
After a review of the comments here I'm going to propose moving the cruise scheduled for the 21st forward a day to Sunday 20th instead. I checked everyones dates and I dont see anyone who will not be able to come as a result. Advantages to this are: Those who arrive on the 16th or later and leave the 21st will be able to attend (steveandjudy) Several are leaving the 22nd and this will give them an extra recovery day. It will be a day closer to more peoples arrival date. Cruises are best at the beginning of your trip to meet people you can then hang out with. Sunday rather than Monday makes it easier for us to get childcare Sunday is generally a quiet day at the hotel.