We can testify this couple know how to enjoy themselves, met them on November Boobs Cruise and had a great time. not quite as much as Dan but we all had a good time, came accross the video on youtube of the bus back to the hotel last week.... what an atmosphere.. :clappyinghappy: :headbanger:
Count Gary and I in for the 21st. By posting on this thread do it guarantee us a spot on the cruise? Of course we'll pay as so as when the registration opens. Thanks, LeeAnn & Gary
LMAO, One thing for sure JAZZY JJ can HANG...and i mean HANG... oops...guess the CAT is out of the bag...ha...ha.. just be sure to bring your BIG KIDS TOYS to play! Boobs Cruise is on!
Got 3 more Sexy friends for the Boob cruise for the 16th!!! :mnm: ... Ignition(Holly) Lulu(Kasey)... Tina!! :icon_twisted: ...and ME!! :cool014: This going to be AWESOME!!