Count Roz & I in for 'possibly' the 10th, and definitely the 16th as well !!:mnm::lotsofmichaelfs::mnm: ohboyohboyohboy.....
I have the worst luck, arrive the 16th (to late) and leave the 21st (to early). Why me. Steve, I hope that the dates adjust just a little. How did I manage to miss a cruise?
Our dates exactly, and missing the Boobs Cruise is another reason to extend a day or so before or after. I am not looking forward to the regret of being at the pool on arrival day and seeing 60 people stumbling up the walkway after having an unbelievable time on the cruise, and we are walking around the pool area wondering where everyone is.
OH Come On! do it... do it... do it.... So you're throwing up on the plane the next day... who cares! Go for it! The worst that can happen is you miss your flight and have to spend another night at TTR. If that happens, call me and I'll bring a bottle of crown from the airport! Jamie