new to temptations!

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by newcouple, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. newcouple

    newcouple Enthusiast Registered Member

    Apr 3, 2012
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    Hi everyone!! My husband and I will be celebrating our first year wedding anniversary in July and I'm really wanting to go to Temptations. I'm pretty liberal but my husband is definitely more of the conservative type and I wouldn't want him to be uncomfortable! I just wanted to know viewpoints from those of you who have much nudity is there besides topless (we've both been to Europe a few times and know Americans are conservative in that respect), how often are couples approached for swingers "activity", etc... Thanks for any and all input!! I'm looking forward to convincing him that we're going!! :wink3:
  2. reddog68

    reddog68 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Welcome to the forum and trust me TEMPTATIONS is the place to go. First off for the nudity it is basically just no tops. You won't see people just walking around nude it is not that kind of place. There will be the occasional women that will take her bottoms off but won't last long usually and there will be some people in a small group at times in the pool naked but they usually don't just walk everywhere in the pool that way just in their group and if security sees them they will stop them from doing it. As for swingers even though I go single but most of my friends that go there will tell you that you really won't be approached unless you edge it on that you are into the swingers scene. At times after alot of drinks especially at Patyo's you may run into that couple that is into it and will be forward but very rarely. It is all how you present yourself. If you act like your looking for another couple well then they will find you and if you don't and your not into it then there is no need to worry. You will be able to tell if that is what their intentions are and if so just say your not into that style.
    Temptations is a place where no one judges you. Got all size and shapes and everybody is there to have fun and act like they were 20 again but with more comman sense. When you know when you are going then just go on the forum and look for the month roll call you are going and let people in there know when you are going. Or if just wanting to do a quick trip at the last minute check out the other roll calls and see who you just might click with. So many great people in this forum and because of this forum there is so many repeaters. I was always someone who would go someplace and then find someplace else to go but not with TTR , I want to go back every year and usually go twice a year. I always go during the first week of May since it is a great group that I have meet up with this being the third year.
    One other thing that people make a mistake at is booking for just a few days to see if it is something will like......well don't do it. Book as many days as you want to be on vacation because you will get there and meet so many people and have a blast it is so hard to just leave. Tell your hubby I am also a very conservative person but don't feel uncomfortable at all there. Just ask anything else and you will notice many will answer your questions. Again welcome to the forum and hope to meet you guys on a future trip

  3. drew_buckeye

    drew_buckeye Guru Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2011
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    I don't think your political affliation matters at TTR :icon_lol: I'm pretty conservative and my wife is in the middle and we both enjoy TTR. If you have been to the beaches in Europe and didn't feel uncomfortable then you should be comfortable there. I personally think one of the bigger problems is just being around a lot of people drinking and having fun. Some people want to sit and read/relax the entire time and if this is what you or your husband want, then you might not enjoy it as much. It's a great party atmosphere that most people enjoy. If you have found this forum then I think you will enjoy TTR and have a great time :mnm:
  4. Trish

    Trish I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    I remember a family trip to France when I was a child...we went to the local public swimming pool (which was an outdoor pool). My dad was a VERY conservative fellow, and as he didn't care for swimming (afraid of water) he decided to have a sleep on the sun loungers by the side.

    Apparently after about 30 mins, he woke up surrounded on both sides by young women with their tops off sun bathing on the loungers around him (this was a public child-friendly pool mind). We were rushed from the pool and frog-marched as quick as lighting out of the place! Didn't see anything, but at that age my brother and I were more interested in the pool anyway!

    That just prooves how liberal Europe really is!
  5. steveandjudy

    steveandjudy Addict Registered Member

    Oct 29, 2011
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    I think Rob summed it up pretty good. There are all types there but pretty much just alot of people having a great time. We were worried about what it would be like and are going back for our second time six months after our first visit. It can be scarry reading reviews on other web sites, trust me you will have a great time and even your conservative husband will enjoy looking at some topless women.:bowdown:
  6. newcouple

    newcouple Enthusiast Registered Member

    Apr 3, 2012
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    Thank you guys so much for your input! I really appreciate it and hope to convince the hubby that this is the resort for us!!
  7. jessned

    jessned Guru Registered Member

    May 4, 2010
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    If you can I would have him research the resort using this site. I think once he reads about it from an open & honest site like this one (unlike trip advisor) & he sees how awesomely friendly everyone on here is & he sees how many HUNDREDS of repeaters there are (we're headed back for the 3rd time in june) he may just be convinced. :wink3: And don't ever hesitate to ask any questions you may have on here. Everyone is always willing to help out.:icon_smile: Hope you can make it! Trust me you won't regret it!! Jess
  8. summerbum

    summerbum I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2011
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    Reddog has really put it well!

    I think you just have to address the ways your hubby is "conservative." If he's worried about making conversation with topless women, I can promise that after a couple hours, he will be used to it.

    If he's worried about guys hitting on you, this isn't a problem. Yes, they'll compliment you and look admiringly, but (the occasional drunk jerk aside, which you find anywhere) men at TTR are actually chivalrous and protective of the women. If anyone looked like they were even about to get out of line, the guys in our group were right there making sure everything was okay.

    If he's worried about public sex, the odds are slim. Most of it is just goofy stuff during the games, and some balcony shows do happen, but it's easy to avoid by hanging out at the quiet pool.

    I was a little worried, too, before we went. I definitely experienced things beyond my typical comfort zone, but always in a positive way...not in a way I've ever been offended.
  9. MichiganCity2

    MichiganCity2 Addict Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    If he gets enough...... he can always go down to the beach and pull up a lounger and read a book or take a nap or just enjoy a drink..... Usually pretty calm down at the beach...........
  10. Trooley Insane

    Trooley Insane Regular Registered Member

    Dec 21, 2009
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    All I can say......You go once and you'll be HOOKED! That's how fun this place is.
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