Rob thanks for making us feel so welcomed to this party group! We hope this year tops all the other years combined!!!
Just trying to continue the tradition this group has done in the past. My first time with this group they made me feel so welcomed, even being the single guy, which I first felt I might be out of place but not with this group. They party hardy and love to have fun and don't judge people. Everyone is welcomed
Sucks we only see you guys one day, we think your a week late! We did look into staying another day just to hang out with you guys but with the airfare change and resort cost it was going to run us like $1K. We like you guys a lot but for $1K... Still time to convince us otherwise?? LOL
Reddog's post reminded us to upload our pics from last year. It's a "private" album so go to our page if ya wanna see more pics of this crew. 26 days!!:aktion033: 21 work days :banghead: