"Boobs Cruise" vs. "One and Only" copycat

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Roxie, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Roxie

    Roxie Guru Registered Member

    Jan 21, 2011
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    I posted this on another thread - but since I suck at trip reports (One night I passed out from too much wine....and I barely made it out for the PM fun...), I can at least report on the two cruises since we did both.

    Mind check - Copycat cruise was on Tuesday (I was still fresh), and Boobs Cruise was on Thursday (I was sunburnt, but still had more fun).

    The cruises...similar, but not. Here are the differences I found:

    #1 - Atmosphere - "One and only" copycat cruise has groups of random people from the resort signing up - whoever they can talk into it. It was fun, but when you go on the Boobs Cruise (Steves) - you all feel like you know each other because you met on here first! WAY more fun and friendly.

    #2 - Steve - That guy just fucking rocks.

    #3 - Photos - I found that the "random" people on the "One and Only" copycat cruise were snapping pictures away of everyone with no respect for privacy. On the Boobs Cruise - it's more of a take pictures posing with shit and ask permission if you're taking pictures of others - much more respectful.

    #4 - Extra Stop - the Boobs cruise takes you into town for a shopping/drinking stop

    #5 - Lunch Times - Boobs cruise takes you to the island pretty quickly - lunch around noonish, the "One and Only" copycat cruise did everything and then the lunch last (3PM?) - we were STARVING by the time we got over there. Eating lunch was actually a topic of conversation for the half hour before lunch!

    #6 - Crazy Factor - the Boobs cruise - being more comfort level, the prodding of Steve to make it more fun, or just the people on this awesome board was significantly more risque and crazy. Both were fun, but Boobs Cruise was WAY more so (and I was even exhausted for that one!).

    In a nutshell - Boobs cruise all the way. If you can't get on one, you can still have fun on the "One and Only" but it will just leave you wishing you could make it on a Boobs Cruise.
  2. Roxie

    Roxie Guru Registered Member

    Jan 21, 2011
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    And I need one more post to make it to 500, so here it is. Boo-ya!
  3. blh902

    blh902 Addict Registered Member

    Aug 13, 2010
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    Unfortunately, our travel dates don't mesh with Steve's, so this may be our only option.
  4. sweetchildomine

    sweetchildomine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    When are you traveling? The dates for the cruise were iffy at best when we were trying to get a firm date from Steve. Understandably, he couldn't book or schedule on without interest and people with firm dates. So what could we do... we found people and recruited them for the date we liked best for everyone. We are only there for a limited time and HAD TO get on a cruise. We got it and now have it confirmed, not just pending, because we have met and talked with people that were traveling the same date range. You will be surprised how many people want on the boat.

    Look at the roll call for the moth/months you are there and start emailing people asking if they wold be game for a cruise... We have met quite few people and I am not too sure Steve knows what he is for opening that date up for us!!!:partytime: :beer4: :aktion031: :bootyshake: :flash::flash::flash:
  5. here4fun

    here4fun Enthusiast Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2011
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    Roxie, thanks for the great informative trip report. We had not done either yet and my wife said to just wait and sign up at the resort. But after reading so many positive comments about Steve's cruise, that is the one for us. A big thank you for clearing up the difference between cruises. (I hope Steve pays you well - just kidding :)
    Dave, Mary, "the Put-n-Bay rock star couple"
  6. Shaved Yeti

    Shaved Yeti Regular Registered Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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    I concur with your assessment all the way! We did the Boob cruise on Monday the 13th of Feb, and had so much fun we signed up for the "One and Only" on Friday. We flew early on Saturday, so the One and Only cruise made a nice cap-off for our week.

    We had a great time on both cruises. In our case, I have to say that the One and Only cruise possibly got a little crazier than the boob cruise. It has everything to do with the group on board that day. Chinos, Omar, and Enrique remembered us from the Monday Boob Cruise, and were extra appreciative of us coming back.

    We'll be back, and whenever we get a chance to sail off for a day of fun with that crew, we'll be on board!

    And Chinos is still my "Bitch"
  7. MelnReg

    MelnReg I can choose my own title Registered Member

    May 23, 2011
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    So to be clear on this....Chinos is on Steve's Boobs Cruise as well as the One & Only cruise? It looks like we are not going to get enough together for Steve's #'s but we will catch the One & Only if Chinos is on it as well? Does it only go on certain days and where do you book that one?
  8. regdog

    regdog Addict Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2004
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    Charleston, South Carolina
    +10 / 0
    Thanks for the break down and heads up. I think this assessment will be most helpful to the NEWBIES.
  9. Lenni & Jodie

    Lenni & Jodie The Unicorn Hunters Registered Member

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Mississauga, Ontario Canada
    +26 / 2
    Steve's Boob Cruise - The Original Boob Cruise 9:30am to 5:00pm - 7.5 Hours

    Mostly Couples & Cancuncare Members
    Meet at 9:30am @ PatyO's
    Chino, Omar, & Enrique are on the boat for entertainment
    Skinny Dipping
    You Stop @ 2 Islands - 1 for Drinks & Lunch & 1 for Drinks & Shopping
    Steve is on the boat also to ensure you have a blast
    The tour is 90 minutes longer
    The tour is by far better as there are couples and people you already know from Steve's Cancuncare site here

    Temptations - The One & Only (Copy Cat of Steve's) 11:00am to 5:00pm 6 Hours

    Couples, Single Girls & Single Guys (Ratio's of girls to guys is ?????)
    Meet at 11am @ Temptations Towel Bar
    Chino, Omar & Enrique are on the boat for entertainment
    Skinny Dipping
    You only stop at 1 Island - Drinks & Lunch
    The tour is 90 less than Steve's as you leave later in the day
    The tour is hit and miss based on the crowd (#couples vs singles)

    We have been on both Temptations & Steve's. Here is the difference we found. The first time we went out we thought it was Steve's because Chino & Omar were there. We had a blast because the ratio of couples to singles fit perfectly, so we decided to go out again on our last day thru Temptations before going back home..... unfortunately this time it turned out to be a sausage fest with 37 single guys and 5 couples so the total was 42 guys : 5 girls. See what I mean.

    Now, when we got back home we clarified that with Steve as you can read in our previous post. On our second trip to Temptations, we went on Steve's Boob Cruise and had a even better time. We partied with couples we met on here, couples we partied with at the hotel, people who recognized us and vice verse. Steve's Boob Cruise is bar far superior for couples than Temptations is.

    Temptations has copied Steve's idea and brought Chino & Omar aboard to run "The One & Only" (COPY CAT VERSION) after they left Temptations. (for those that don't know, Chino & Omar used to work the Entertainment at Temptations but had a minor falling out) Now Chino & Omar run both Boobs Cruise as they have bills to pay and there is no animosity between the two companies. Eitherway we had a blast on both trips, we just prefer knowing beforehand who is all going as you can see on here and its more bang for your buck.

    Steve's Boobs Cruise Runs Whenever the boat is full of partiers
    Temptations runs only Tuesdays & Fridays

    Steve's Boob Cruise - 10/10
    Imitations... opps I meant Temptations - "The One & Only" - 7/10
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