Ok, got it...but honestly you arrive a few days after us, which means many drinks in our system, we will watch for you on the 1st, but just in cause we are too hammered, just yell out MAYHEM and we will all come running! So looking forward to this trip!!!
If anyone is traveling through ATL April 28th at 9:20/Airtran or landing in Cancun around 11:00, let us know...start the drinking early and share a Transfer USA cab to Temptations
IT'S T-SHIRT TIME!!!!!!!! We are gonna show (ahem) "Jersey Shore" the meaning of a "PARTAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!"
Hope you two don't look like that when you show up to TTR....you got on way too much clothes.....lol we'll be looking for ya on the first even though you might look a little blurry to some of us by the time you get there. Got to download the pic and put it in my photo program and hit the "blur" effect so then it gives me a better idea of who to look for....lol Rob