If you aren't into grains etc. just get the burger with out a bun. Lots of people I have known swear by it!
Our cure and prevention Don't know the reasons behind it but, lots of water and advil before bed and a banana along with breakfast seems to work wonders, it was a doctor on our last trip that mentioned the banana...to my surprise it was good of course eating to absorb the alcohol really helped
my cure is .. always food before i go to bed but also drink a bunch of water.. take 2 ibuprofen (better than Tylenol) and one gravol even if you don't feel sick.. I have the worst hangover ever..they last, about 3 days..with the first day being a complete write off.. and this works very well for me ..
The water (or any juice), advil, and B12 (Stresstabs B12 are a good choice) hangover cure is what I had learned from staff in the ER. This is apparently what they use. But... just drinking some water periodically between drinks is a good thing too.
OK!!! your on..I'll hold you to that!! but its not just about being my waiter .. its about having half of the burger and fries so I don't eat it all!! so its 2 jobs if you can handle it ..haha!
actually your right about the banana cause they are high in potassium which is a main electrolyte. When you are hungover your body is low on them, that's why Gatorade (not powerade) is good too!