Welcome to MAYhem, guys. This group is gonna TAKE OVER Temptations!! BTW, did we figure out what exactly we are doing for theme nights? I know that school girl was one of them...not sure if anything else was decided. What are the guys suppose to dress as for school girl night?
O HAPPY DAYS, one of the best highlights of our holiday. Can someone pass the tissues please???? :3some: :angel1::angel1::angel1:
Of course first one is on me I wouldn't have it any other way. Twll me what you and Les wants and I will order it when I see you headinf to the sexy pool that way you dont have to wait......maybe even bring it to you as your checking in....lol
So, there is a couple on a different thread that is bringing a pool beer pong table...thought that it sounded like an awesome idea. I can get one for about $50 but I wanted to make sure there were other people that would be down for playing. Just respond on here if you would and I will get it if enough people are willing.
Good lord I got mine for $19. Dammit I should have got two. I'll look for one cheaper than $50.. I thought it sounded like a blast too, but oddly enough when we broke it out it was odd. I think everyone gets used to the bounce of a real table, but that is gone with the pool version. The beers had to be drank out of our mugs, didn't wasn't to drink pool water. And games took longer due to no bounce. Lol. Soooo needless to say I left it at the resort last time. Lol. But that was last year, this is a new year.. I'll play, poorly I'm sure, if it's there. Lol I am no beer pong champ. :ernaehrung024: