It's a good feeling to know that people who will still be there when we get there are already there....getting close
Tequila---- This was a problem on the first day ----Tequila-- Don't remember the first day--how we got to our room, when we got to our room. But every one said we had a great time. Don't get HER started. There's no end. See ya all on the feb 21 ....TOKILLA IS THAT THE NAME OF THE DRINK?
we had a tequila night last year from what i remembered it was a blast... Don't remember going back to the room but i did wake up in the right room so i guess it was all good! 9 more days
Thinking of not drinking anything in the last week leading up to the trip, sortof a detox before when dive headlong into this thing, wonder if thats a good idea?
Sounds like a marathon racer not running to prepare for the race. Not sure it's a good plan. I think you might lose some conditioning. I think it's probably a better plan to practice your body-shot technique in the days prior to the trip. There are subtle intricacies in body-shot technique that really need to be developed to perform at peak efficiency during your holiday. Practice is key.
Totaly agree with Dave and Audrey, Practice makes perfect. Kind of like not having sex before the trip because you want to make it special while on the trip. Think about it...........:aktion061: