Just glad we were able to have a fashion show early enough before our trip to make a couple of revisions, now just waiting for the revisions to arrive!
peso vs dollar Have read a lot of talk about the new monetary "rule changes". Curious of your opinion if we should bring along pesos instead of the dollar? Thanks for your response, Robin
Countdown Only 9 hours until we take off. Somehow I doubt I will be able to sleep much, but we'll see. Can't wait to see everyone down there. :wave:
21 hours and counting!!!!!!!! Can't wait to meet new friends and have an unforgettable 1st time!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait to meet you both, we'll be there on the 9th hopefully at the sexy pool by 11...I'll make some noise upon my arrival! lol I got my tiniest bikinis yesterday!! You will be amazed at how much fun TTR is!
Have fun! Tell us about it in a trip report when you return so we can get even more excited about our upcoming trip. 19 days.....
Pre-fashion shows are awesome! MS suit arrived last night its the hottest one I have seen yet.......then I let the Wife try it on!!! She looks way better in it!