Nice Shoes / Sports Bar

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by coastguard, Jan 8, 2012.

  1. coastguard

    coastguard Enthusiast Registered Member

    Sep 18, 2009
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    Just got back from our 2nd amazing trip to TTR. Almost as much fun as last time, but we were a little let down by the Nice Shoes Disco not being open (apart from the hour on the casino night and the karaoke). The dancing area is now in Patty O's but not every night. When the DJ played in Patty O's he played the same set every night with the same 4 rock songs near the end. When the wife asked him if could change his music a bit he told her to F*ck off. Charming!!
    On the nights when there was no DJ or the brilliant band, the annoying repetitive lounge music was played at full volume in Patty O's. I spoke to several people about this music and they all hate it after about 30 mins. Its very similar to lift/elevator music. The poor barman are being driven nuts by it.
    There were 2 nights when the DJ played outside by the sports pool but the dance floor was not big enough for everyone to dance.

    As a result of Nice Shoes not being open the Sports bar was dead compared to our last visit, even though the hotel was at bursting point with 4 double bookings!.

    Could this be a tactic to get people to go outside the hotel and buy tickets/alcohol?

    We are going back to TTR later in the year and hopefully it may of changed.
  2. lynnshaun

    lynnshaun Regular Registered Member

    Dec 26, 2011
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    ohh I hope that improves by the end of this week!! What did they do with the four double bookings?
  3. Donald

    Donald Devil's advocate Registered Member

    Dec 2, 2010
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    They usually bribe people to go to another resort and give them 3 or 4 free nights the next time they come, if you r lucky they may send you to Desire
  4. Mystra

    Mystra Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    When we were there in Sept we got moved to Desire for our last two nights (Fri/Sat), so it does happen, but apparently it's pretty rare.

    One of our . . . not complaints, really . . . but that's the closest word I can come up with right this second, was the state of the sports bar/nice shoes. The pool tables are a disaster (unlevel, broken rails, etc), and the ping pong paddles were fairly well wrecked. Not that either of those things kept us from playing while we were there, but they kept us from playing at all well.

    We were kind of surprised that Nice Shoes wasn't just open every night with techno or what have you music so that people could go in there and dance, but we figured that was the way they wanted it - and we just went to Paddy-O's anyway. I'd guess that maybe there was . . . "inappropriate behavior" in there at times :)

    D & K
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