You are awesome, Steve. Thanks for all you do! Woo! Hoo! Can't wait until Feb. There. A little poetic teamwork. And we're actually hoping to make the one on Jan 19th.
Yes, February dates soon. We will be there 2/9 - 19. Cant wait! Thanks Steve for continuing to improve your services.
Dates for cruises in Feb have just been proposed, you can find them here:
Steve have yall ever thought about having the cruise the same day each week. People could plan there vacation around that day of the week. just a ?
Yeah thought about it, but it's not really possible at the moment since our numbers fluctuate through the month and are rarely consistent. For example looking at Feb we have not many people in the first half of the month but the second half we have tons. I'd hate to say the cruise is every Sunday for example and then people plan their vacation around it only for us to not have enough folks to meet the minimum.
Ok I understand that we look for the thread for the dates we are going to sign up for the cruise, but how do we actually pay for it? Sorry newbie here, I know there is probably a thread somewhere that answers this but I'm not sure yet how to find it, lol!
Tanyer...I believe the way Steve goes about payment is once he feels he has enough interest a Boobs Cruise for that certain date! He'll put up a link on Cancuncare to make payment! It's usually several weeks in advance before the cruise! He does it this way so it gives him a good idea on who shows up...You WIL have an AWESOME time!! :mnm: And Welcome to the Board!!! :icon_twisted::icon_twisted: